Ensuring accessibility of facilities and services for the disabled

In order to coordinate the implementation of creating conditions for accessibility of priority social and transport infrastructure facilities on the territory of the Murmansk region, a comprehensive program "Accessible North" has been operating since 2014. It provides for measures aimed at ensuring unhindered access to priority facilities and services in priority areas of life of disabled people, coordinated with authorized representatives of public associations of disabled people.

The key effects of the program implementation are:

  • increasing the level of accessibility of priority facilities for disabled people in priority areas of their life: by 2025, the share of fully accessible priority facilities will amount to 75.2% (383 facilities of regional and municipal institutions) of the total number of such facilities (509 priority facilities). As of 01.01.2023, the share of fully accessible objects is 74%;
  • renewal of public transport: by 2024, the share of automobile and urban ground electric public transport, equipped for the transportation of disabled people and other people with limited mobility, will be 67.1% for the bus storage facility, 71.6% for trolleybus. As of 01.01.2023, the share of the updated bus storage facility was 57.7%, trolleybus – 39.8%.

One of the key points of the comprehensive program is the competition "The best municipal practice for creating an accessible environment for the disabled" with an annual funding of 15 million rubles.
The goal is to encourage and support the work carried out by the municipalities of the Murmansk region to create a barrier–free environment for citizens with disabilities.

The funds provided to the local self-government bodies – winners of the competition can be realized by local self-government bodies as part of the purchase of specialized transport, the creation of accessibility conditions in municipal institutions, the training of specialists and the conduct of information and educational events.