Ensuring the implementation of state policy in the field of procurement of goods, works, services
Implementation of the function of ensuring (in cooperation with the federal executive authority for regulating the contract system in the field of purchase) the implementation of state policy in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet the state needs of the Murmansk region, the organization of procurement monitoring, methodological support of the activities of state customers of the Murmansk region, budgetary institutions of the Murmansk region, state unitary enterprises of the Murmansk region, carrying out procurements.
Determination of suppliers (contractors, performers) to meet the state needs of the Murmansk region
Determination of suppliers (contractors, performers) by competitive methods in electronic form (with the exception of closed methods of determining suppliers (contractors, performers) for state customers of the Murmansk region, budgetary institutions of the Murmansk region, state unitary enterprises of the Murmansk region).
Identification of suppliers (contractors, performers) for the municipal needs of the Murmansk region, procurements of which are carried out at the expense of targeted subsidies
Determination of suppliers (contractors, performers) by competitive means in electronic form (with the exception of closed methods of determining suppliers (contractors, performers) for municipal customers, municipal budgetary institutions, municipal unitary enterprises, if the condition for the provision of inter-budget transfers with the intended purpose from the budget of the Murmansk Region is the centralization of purchases, the financial support of which is partially or completely carried out at the expense of the specified inter-budget transfers).
Conducting land and property auctions
Organization and holding of auctions for the sale of land plots or auctions for the right to conclude lease agreements of land plots owned by the Murmansk region, public auctions for the sale of agricultural land plots that are not owned by the Murmansk region and seized from the owner by a court decision in connection with their improper use, in accordance with the regulations approved by the Committee and approved by the Ministry of Property Relations of the Murmansk region.
Implementation of the function of the operator of the automated procurement management information system of the Murmansk region "WEB-Torgi"
Ensuring the smooth functioning, operation, development of the automated procurement management information system of the Murmansk region "WEB-Torgi", methodological support for users of the automated procurement management information system of the Murmansk region "WEB-Torgi".
Implementation of the function of the authorized body for the coordination of activities to promote the development of competition in the Murmansk region
coordination of activities to promote the development of competition in the Murmansk Region in accordance with section II of the Standard for the Development of Competition in the Subjects of the Russian Federation and coordination of the activities of executive bodies of state power in terms of the implementation of the directions of state policy for the development of competition in the Murmansk region.
Coordination of work on the functioning of antimonopoly compliance in the activities of authorities
Coordination of state bodies of the Murmansk region, local self-government bodies of municipalities of the Murmansk region in the field of creating and organizing a system of internal compliance with the requirements of antimonopoly legislation of the activities of these bodies, as well as the implementation of methodological support in this direction.
Support of procurement activities of organizations engaged in procurement in accordance with the provisions of Federal Law No. 223-FZ dated 18.07.2011 "On procurement of goods, works, services by certain types of legal entities"
Development of standard provisions on procurement of autonomous, budgetary, unitary institutions (enterprises) of the region and forms for joint-stock companies subordinate to the authorities of the Murmansk region; monitoring of procurement activities of the above-mentioned customers, as well as departmental control over compliance with the requirements of legislation on procurement of goods, works, services for certain types of legal entities.