Development of a general policy strategy of the Murmansk Region
Development of a general policy strategy of the Murmansk Region in the following areas (hereinafter – the established areas of activity):
Ensuring the activities of the Government, the Governor and other persons
Ensuring the activities of the Government, the Governor and other persons filling public positions of the Murmansk region, the provision of which is entrusted to the Apparatus, including social and household provision of the Governor, members of the Government, other persons filling public positions of the Murmansk region, the provision of which is entrusted to the Apparatus.
Office management
Implementation of organizational and methodological management of office work in the system of executive bodies of state power of the Murmansk region.
Control over the implementation of decisions
Organization of control over the implementation by the executive bodies of state power of the Murmansk region of decisions taken by the Government.
Formation and implementation of state policy
Formation and implementation of the state policy of the Murmansk region and implementation of the state policy of the Russian Federation in the established spheres of activity of the Apparatus.
Statutory regulation
Ensuring statutory regulation in the established areas of activity.
Control and supervision
Implementation of control and (or) supervision in the established areas of activity.