Ministry of Digital Development of the Murmansk region
Semenova Elena Viktorovna
Minister of Digital Development of the Murmansk region
+7 (8152) 486-250

The main tasks of the Ministry are

Formation of e-government
Implementation of the state policy in the field of informatization in the Murmansk region in accordance with the principles of the formation of electronic government and the Strategy for the Development of the Information Society in the Russian Federation.

Coordination of the use of IT-technology tools
Coordination of the activities of the executive authorities of the Murmansk region on the use of IT-technologies.

Increasing the availability of public services
Implementation of state policy in the field of administrative reform in the Murmansk region, improving the quality and accessibility of public services, as well as reducing administrative barriers in certain areas of activity by regulating and optimizing public services (functions), developing and implementing systems of interdepartmental interaction, including on the basis of multifunctional centers.

Event support
Legal, methodological, informational and organizational support of activities implemented in accordance with the tasks assigned to the Ministry within its competence.