Ministry of Health of the Murmansk region
Panychev Dmitry Vyacheslavovich
Deputy Governor of the Murmansk region - Minister of Healthcare of the Murmansk region
+7 (8152) 486-096

The main tasks of the Ministry are

Implementation of the state policy in the field of health protection
Implementation of the state policy in the field of public health protection in the Murmansk region.

Protection and observance of rights in the field of health protection
Ensuring the protection and observance of human and civil rights and freedoms in the field of health protection and state guarantees related to these rights.

Development and implementation of measures to protect the health of citizens
Development and implementation, within the competence, of a system of measures to protect the health of citizens, including the organization of medical care to the population of the Murmansk region, including the provision of necessary medicines.

Legal, informational and organizational support of the state policy in the field of health protection
Legal, informational and organizational support for the formation and implementation of state policy in the field of public health protection within the powers of the executive bodies of state power of the Murmansk region.

Protection of rights in the field of health protection from exposure to ambient tobacco smoke
Protection of human and civil rights in the field of public health protection from the effects of ambient tobacco smoke and the consequences of tobacco consumption in the Murmansk region.

Implementation of the powers of the Russian Federation in the field of health protection
Implementation of the powers of the Russian Federation in the field of public health protection transferred to the state authorities of the Murmansk region.

License control
Enforcement of regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation on the territory of the Murmansk region in the implementation of licensing and licensing control within the competence.