Ministry of Internal Policy of the Murmansk region
Makarova Evelina Vladimirovna
Acting Minister of Internal Policy of the Murmansk region
+7 (8152) 486-325

The main tasks of the Ministry are

Informational and analytical support
Informational and analytical support of interaction between the Governor of the Murmansk region and the Government of the Murmansk region with local self-government bodies of municipalities of the Murmansk region, the Council of Municipalities of the Murmansk Region Association, the Murmansk Regional Duma and political parties operating in the Murmansk region.

Assistance in the development of local self-government
Ensuring the activities of the Government of the Murmansk region aimed at assisting in the development of local self-government in the Murmansk region.

Assistance to the development of civil society
Assistance to the development of civil society institutions, implementation of measures for state support of public associations.

Development of interregional and international cooperation
Development of interregional and international cooperation in the field of interaction with public organizations and youth policy.