Ministry of Natural Resources, Ecology and Fisheries of the Murmansk region
Sereda Zinaida Vyacheslavovna
Minister of Natural Resources, Ecology and Fisheries of the Murmansk region
+7 (8152) 486-851

The main tasks of the Ministry are

Use of natural resources, environmental protection and ecological safety
Development of regional state policy and implementation of state policy, including the delegated powers of the Russian Federation, in the field of natural resources use, environmental protection and ecological safety, radiation safety of the population, subsoil use, waste management of production and consumption, environmental expertise of regional level facilities, water relations, safety of hydraulic structures, environmental education, creation, provision of protection and use of specially protected natural territories of regional significance, implementation of regional state supervision and federal state supervision in these areas of activity.

Use, security, protection and reproduction of forests
Development of regional state policy and implementation of state policy, including the delegated powers of the Russian Federation, in the field of use, conservation, protection and reproduction of forests on forest fund lands, implementation of federal state forest supervision (forest conservation) on forest fund lands, federal state fire supervision in forests, definition of functional zones in forest park zones, area and boundaries of forest park zones, green zones, establishment and modification of boundaries of forest park zones, green zones.

Protection, conservation of hunting resources and their habitat
Development of regional state policy and implementation of state policy, including under the delegated powers of the Russian Federation, in the field of hunting, conservation of hunting resources and their habitat, protection and use of wildlife objects not classified as hunting objects and aquatic biological resources, implementation of federal state supervision in the field of protection and use of wildlife objects and their habitats on the territory of the Murmansk region, with the exception of objects of the animal world and their habitat, located in specially protected natural territories of federal significance located on the territory of the Murmansk region, of federal state hunting supervision.

Provision of public services
Provision of public services in the fields of activity within the competence.